
AirSheet help to get your Airtable base data into Google Sheetâ„¢ at One Click

Connect Your Airtable Account, Select Base and Table and Run, Your data will be imported to Google sheetâ„¢.


How it Works?


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Cloud backup

Take a backup of the airTable easily and in more robust format.

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Powerful data analysis

Take benefits of complex data query provided by google spreadsheet for in-depth data analysis and take accurate business decisions

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Charts and reports

Generates graphs, charts and reports from the imported data in matter of seconds.

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Search and filter

Google Spreadsheet provides powerful search capabilities and filters to filter the data based on requirements

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Custom Automation

Create and apply complex data calculation and automation with simple google app script code. and Google spreadsheet have thousand or app integrations to work with the imported data.

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Power of integration

Google Sheets can be integrated with third-party applications and services, such as Gmail, Calendar, and many others